Αρχική Π.Α.Ο.Δ.ΗΛ. - βιβλιοθήκη - εργαστήρια τέχνης - μουσικά εργαστήρια - θέατρο "Δ. Κιντής" - αναψυκτήριο - επικοινωνία

"The reason I returned late that Saturday night"


  In 1943 in the official order of Wehrmacht, there was a description of the reprisals that the German army would enforce on the people of the dominated countries for their Resistance actions. According to the order, the people who would be executed wοuld be over 14 years old.
 Isn’t  it really strange to conceder a 14-years old child capable of participating in Resistance actions and be punished for that, but on the other hand decide, instead of him, how long he should surf in the web? 
            The performance consists of the following scenes:

         In the passage of time

         Through the obstacles



          The “forbidden” is forbidden


          Together! All of us, three, two, one! No! Two






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